ODL Blinds + Glass
How To Clean The Window Or Doorglass
Although the ODL® enclosed blinds in your window or door never require dusting, the glass itself must be kept clean to ensure easy operation. If operating your blind is taking more force than usual, you might need to clean the glass. This video explains how to clean the glass properly.
ODL Blinds + Glass
How to Replace the Operator Track
Instructions for 1" and 7/8" Blinds
The operators on ODL blinds run along an operator track. If this track is damaged or the adhesive becomes loose, it can cause issues with the normal function of your blinds. This video walks through the process of replacing your operator track for both single operator and dual operator blind units.
ODL Blinds + Glass
How To Re-engage The Blinds Operator
ODL Blinds + Glass raise and lower with the use of magnets inside the glass and on the external operator. Occasionally, the operator can come loose from the internal magnets, causing the blind to not operate properly. If your operator comes loose, the operator magnets have become disengaged. Re-engaging the magnets is easy, and this video shows you how to do it.
ODL Blinds + Glass Brand Anthem (1:54)
Building on our 70-year history of developing IG panels for doors, ODL continues to innovate in the Blinds + Glass category, where we have been the industry leader for over 20 years. Learn more about our latest innovation, ODL Blinds + Glass and our culture at ODL.
ODL Blinds + Glass Choreography (1:16)
Check out how easy it is to use the ODL Blinds + Glass controller to adjust your blinds between glass. But be prepared: you may find yourself dancing along.
ODL Blinds + Glass Let Your Creativity Shine Through (0:57)
Letting you get creative and enjoy family time is just another way ODL Blinds + Glass enhances your everyday life.
Caring for Your Blinds + Glass
Occasionally, enclosed blinds can experience some minor hiccups. It's usually easy to fix the ODL Blinds + Glass by yourself. Whether you need to re-engage the operator, adjust your blinds so they're level, or clean the glass, our videos will help you quickly and easily diagnose and remedy any issue you might have with your ODL built-in blinds.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Re-engage the Blinds Operator (1:08)
ODL Blinds + Glass raise and lower with the use of magnets inside the glass and on the external operator. Occasionally, the operator can come loose from the internal magnets, causing the blind to not operate properly. If your operator comes loose, the operator magnets have become disengaged. Re-engaging the magnets is easy, and this video shows you how to do it.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Exercise the Blinds for Proper Lowering (0:42)
If the blinds in your window or door have been in a raised position for a long time, the blinds might not lower properly when first lowered. "Exercising" the blinds will correct this issue. This video shows you how to exercise your built-in blinds as needed.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Clean the Window or Doorglass (0:27)
Although the enclosed blinds in your window or door never require dusting, the glass itself must be kept clean to ensure easy operation. If operating your blind is taking more force than usual, you might need to clean the glass. This video explains how to clean the glass properly.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Care for and Use (1:35)
ODL enclosed blinds stay dust-free, are safe for children and pets, and are easy to care for and operate. This video shows you how to care for your windows with Blinds + Glass and doors with built-in blinds, and how to use them for optimal convenience and enjoyment.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Handle and Transport (1:16)
Doors and windows with ODL Blinds + Glass offer great convenience, but they must be handled and transported properly to ensure they aren't damaged when bringing them home from the store. This video gives you important instructions and tips on what to do before you move or install your new door or window with built-in blinds.
ODL Blinds + Glass How to Replace 1" Operator (2:59)
ODL Blinds + Glass offers safe, low-maintenance options for managing light and privacy indoors. If the operator on your blind becomes disconnected from the track, it's easy to replace.
How to Replace the ODL Operator Track (4:52)
The operators on ODL blinds run along an operator track. If this track is damaged or the adhesive becomes loose, it can cause issues with the normal function of your blinds. This video walks through the process of replacing your operator track for both single operator and dual operator blind units.
Easy to Care for and Maintain
Easy to clean: no dusting required! The best way to clean blinds? Not having to clean them at all! There's no need to dust, when blinds are enclosed between glass. Before installation, use standard window cleaner on your existing door window and the glass surfaces of the Add-on Blinds unit.
Once installed, use standard window cleaner on the glass, and soap and water to clean the frame. Since the blinds are enclosed behind glass, they never need dusting. Blinds between glass help reduce exposure to dust for those who are allergic. Should you need to clean the glass on your existing door, it's easy to remove the Add-On Blinds unit. (Visit the installation page and reverse the instructions to remove the Add-On Blind unit.)
Watch this video to see how easy it is to clean the door glass.
Preventing condensation
Interior condensation is caused by excess humidity in your home. ODL Add-On Blinds for Doors do not cause condensation, but can act as a good indicator if interior humidity levels are too high. Keep in mind that, in newly constructed homes, construction materials will release moisture through several heating and cooling cycles. Condensation does not indicate a defect and will not damage your Add-On Blinds unit.
If your door glass has interior condensation, you should be able to control it by reducing the humidity level in your home (by, for example, reducing or eliminating the use of humidifiers). Below is a quick guide to appropriate indoor humidity levels:
Maximum recommended humidity levels (based on inside home temperature of 70°F) | |
Outside temperature °F | Inside humidity |
20°F to 40°F | Not over 40% |
10°F to 20°F | Not over 30% |
0°F to 10°F | Not over 25% |
-20°F to 0°F | Not over 20% |
Below -20°F | Not over 15% |
You can also help limit the potential for condensation between your door glass and the Add-On Blinds glass by removing the filler strips located on the sides of your Add-On Blinds frame, which will increase airflow between unit and door glass.
Watch this video to find out how to remove the Add-On Blinds filler strips.
You can also help limit the potential for condensation between your door glass and the Add-On Blinds glass by removing the filler strips located on the sides of your Add-On Blinds frame, which will increase airflow between unit and door glass.
Watch this video to find out how to remove the Add-On Blinds filler strips.