Impact Standards

Doorglass Impact Component Approval

ODL Severe Weather door glass has a Florida Building Commission (FBC) component approval, FL14935-R4, that allows it to be substituted in any glazed door or sidelight with an approved missile impact FBC approval or Miami-Dade County NOA. No additional testing is required. Both the original approval and the component approval need to be provided to the building inspector for approval. Severe Weather door glass cannot be used with an approved opaque door impact product to create an approved glazed door.

ODL Severe Weather Door Glass

The Wind-borne Debris Region map for risk category II buildings (includes residential dwellings) is shown. The Wind-borne Debris Region authorities accept the TAS tests as well as ASTM E 1996. The Wind-borne Debris Region requires large missile impact protection for all doors and windows below 30 feet above grade. The criteria are less stringent for doors and windows 30 feet above grade and higher: small missile protection is required.

Designed for security. Engineered for strength.

Severe Weather doorglass is purpose-built to provide peace of mind in high velocity hurricane zones.

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